Cannabis products for pain - a guide for sufferers
We often hear about the positive effects of medical cannabis on various illnesses. Cannabis products are mainly used to treat pain , but there are also a whole range of other symptoms and illnesses for which patients can be prescribed this useful herb.
Below we first explain who can get medical cannabis on prescription and discuss the positive properties of the plant for various illnesses and complaints. We then discuss the prescription by the treating doctor and the requirements for the costs to be covered by the health insurance company. This is followed by questions and answers about the Cannabis as Medicine Act and a list of the various possible uses.
Cannabis on prescription – who is eligible for this?
Since March 2017, it has been permitted to have cannabis prescribed under certain conditions if the patient is suffering from a serious illness. However, this process is subject to strict regulation and a reasoned assessment must be made by the treating doctor. There are many points to consider when treating cannabis patients:
prescription requirements and treatment options
According to the Narcotics Prescription Ordinance, cannabis-based medicines may only be prescribed by doctors. There is no list of illnesses for which the medicinal herb may be prescribed, but a serious illness is a prerequisite and must have been diagnosed by a doctor.
As a rule, cannabis may only be prescribed as medicine in a specific dose when all other treatment options have already been exhausted or have been deemed unsuitable.
Approval from the health insurance company and growing it yourself
In many cases, it is quite possible that the health insurance company will cover the costs of this special medicine. However, a thorough check is then carried out to determine whether the conditions for the prescription are actually met.
Cultivation is prohibited for patients, as controlled cultivation conditions cannot be guaranteed. However, thanks to the imminent legalization of cannabis, there will soon no longer be strict rules for cultivation and purchase in Germany.
Promising treatment of many diseases through medical cannabis in Germany
Medical cannabis has proven to be promising for many illnesses in Germany. The green herb can typically be used for the following symptoms and conditions:
Chronic pain, neurological diseases and nausea
Medical cannabis is particularly often prescribed for chronic pain. Studies show that cannabis is particularly effective in reducing neuropathic pain.
In diseases such as multiple sclerosis (MS), it can help reduce spasticity and cramps.
In cancer patients, the consumption of medical cannabis can increase appetite, thus counteracting weight loss. It can also reduce nausea and vomiting.
Mental illnesses and sleep disorders
There are certain mental illnesses for which there is evidence that medical cannabis can provide relief. In particular, post-traumatic stress disorder and anxiety disorders are mentioned here.
There are also indications from patients with sleep disorders that it can help with falling asleep and sleeping through the night. This is especially true when anxiety or pain are the cause of the sleep problems.
Medical prescription and reimbursement by health insurance companies
Theoretically, almost any doctor in Germany can prescribe cannabis-containing medication or cannabis flowers for a serious illness if they are convinced that it will have a positive effect on the course of the disease. The only exceptions are dentists and veterinarians. In addition, the patient must usually have tried other therapeutic measures without success or with severe side effects before they can be prescribed medical cannabis.
Doctors who prescribe it must keep careful documentation of it. After one year of therapy, the results must be reported to the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM).
The statutory health insurance company can only cover the costs if a special application is submitted and a positive effect on the course of the disease is expected. The application is submitted to the respective health insurance company together with the doctor's prescription. A manual review is carried out and a decision is made within several weeks. If the cost coverage is refused, the health insurance company must justify this decision.
By the way: If you want to buy a cannabis vaporizer , you should keep in mind that this may also be refundable under certain circumstances and only for certain models.
Questions and Answers on the Law "Cannabis as Medicine"
How do I get cannabis prescription?
You can't just go to your GP and ask for a prescription for the plant because you have a mild headache. And that's especially not the case if you want to apply for the costs to be covered by your health insurance. This herbal medicine can only be prescribed in the case of a serious illness where the symptoms cannot be treated with any alternative means.
In which cases are cannabis medicines paid for by health insurance?
Anyone who has a serious illness that is alleviated by cannabis medication, such as pain therapy for chronic pain, now has a good chance of having the costs covered by their health insurance. However, each case is examined individually by the insurance company.
The approval is there – what happens next?
If the application has been approved by the health insurance company, the doctor can issue a narcotic prescription for the cannabis medicine. In addition to the quantity, the prescription also contains information on the dosage and form of administration. With the prescription, you can now go to a pharmacy that has cannabis medicine in stock. When using medical cannabis, you must of course follow the doctor's instructions. If you want to vaporize it, now is the time to buy a vaporizer. The Mighty is recommended, which is best ordered together with the capsule caddy so that you always have capsules filled with herbs to hand.
When do patients have a right to reimbursement of costs?
In Germany, patients with a serious illness generally have the right to have their health insurance cover the costs of medical cannabis. However, proof must be provided that other therapies have not been successful. The doctor must also explain why a positive effect on the illness can be expected.
What to do if the application for cannabis prescription is rejected?
If the application for a cannabis medicine on prescription has been rejected, the patient is generally able to appeal against this decision.
Forms of application of cannabis medicines
Inhaling Cannabis: Vaporizing Instead of Smoking
Smoking the flowers has one major disadvantage: the smoke contains many harmful substances and could tarnish an otherwise positive result of medical cannabis. Vaporizing herbs or inhaling the dried flowers after they have evaporated, on the other hand, harms the organism to a much lesser extent and is a good way to consume cannabis as gently as possible.
effect as cannabis tea
The herb can also be consumed dissolved in tea. However, there are a few things to consider to ensure that the effect can take hold. The prescription usually contains precise information about this. This method of consuming cannabis is particularly suitable for treating patients who do not want to inhale this medicine.
cannabis cookies
It is also possible to process cannabis into cookies as a medicine. However, it should be ensured that only the patient himself has access to these cookies and not to unauthorized persons. It is also important to know the exact dose in a cookie in order to be able to estimate its effect.
Magic Butter
The food butter has many uses, and of course this also applies to magic butter or butter mixed with medicinal cannabis. You can make it using Magical Butter , for example. This is a special plant extractor that extracts the essences of herbs and then works them into butter. As an alternative to butter, you can also use it to make tinctures and oils.
gummy bears with cannabis
There are now certain baking molds that allow you to make gummy bears with cannabis.
tinctures and oils
Medical cannabis can also be added to tinctures and oils. The finished product can then either be taken pure or used as an ingredient for further processing.
Advice and support when purchasing online
At this point, we should first mention that we do not offer any advice regarding the effects of cannabis or anything similar. What we do offer, however, is competent assistance regarding vaporizers and all products available in the shop.
Best experiences with pain therapy via cannabinoids
Great success has been achieved, particularly with cannabis as a drug in pain therapy, and drugs containing the cannabinoids or active ingredients dronabinol and nabilone are being used more and more frequently in outpatient palliative care.
Nowadays, under certain conditions, you can get a prescription for medical cannabis for pain. This is especially true for chronic pain where experience with other therapeutic measures has not shown satisfactory results. It remains to be seen how the situation for patients will change as a result of cannabis legalization this year.