How dangerous is cannabis?
The legalization of cannabis has been in effect since April 1, 2024 - a milestone in the relationship between the German constitutional state and the green herb! Many people who have never had anything to do with the now legal drug before are now asking themselves: How dangerous is cannabis ? In the following text, we will give you a possible answer to this question. First, we will give you a short introduction to the topic of cannabis consumption, discuss the influence of cannabis on the brain and make a comparison with alcohol consumption. We will also explain to you what health consequences long-term consumption of cannabis can have, what effects cannabis consumption will have in Germany and what problems consumption can cause in adolescents and young adults. At the end, we will show the differences between THC and CBD and draw a conclusion.
Introduction to Cannabis Consumption
Cannabis is one of the oldest known psychoactive substances. The drug is part of rituals that are thousands of years old and is now one of the most commonly consumed (illegal) drugs in the world. In future, possession of up to 50 grams of this drug, which is considered "soft", will be permitted in Germany. However, legalization is currently still sparking a debate about the risks for adolescents and young adults.
The debate about the legalization of cannabis, which is taking place not only in Germany but also in other countries, is quite complex and controversial. For some, legalization is a good way to dry up the black market and ensure safe access to this drug. The herb is also believed to have medicinal benefits that can be used to treat certain illnesses.
Opponents of cannabis argue that legalization could fuel consumption among adolescents and young adults. Road safety is also a topic in the debate, as the ability to drive can be negatively affected under the influence of cannabis. In general, it can be said that a driver's license and cannabis consumption do not go hand in hand. There is currently a discussion about which THC limits should apply to future traffic controls.
Overall, it has become clear that the legalization of cannabis is a complex issue. Only time will tell whether the political decision to legalize cannabis was right or wrong. What is crucial is that decisions are made on the basis of scientific findings.
The influence of the drug cannabis on the brain and mental health
Cannabis, also known as "marijuana" or simply "grass," can cause psychological dependence and thus have a negative impact on mental health or be responsible for mental illness. Researchers have shown that the substance can trigger schizophrenia, particularly in people with a genetic predisposition.
It is assumed that around ten percent of users develop an addiction. For people who started smoking weed in their youth, the probability of addiction rises to around 17%. The negative consequences of this addiction include cognitive impairment, changes in mood and behavior, and an increased susceptibility to psychological problems. This can lead to problems at school, during training, and during university. In these cases, psychotherapy can be a solution.
Smoking Cannabis vs. Drinking Alcohol – A Comparison of Health Risks
First of all, it should be mentioned that the abuse of any drug can be problematic, regardless of whether it is alcohol, cannabis or another substance. Nevertheless, there are major differences in terms of health risks. Below we provide you with a brief comparison of the health risks of smoking cannabis and consuming alcohol:
Smoking cannabis:
When you smoke, you inhale harmful substances.
In the short term, cognitive disorders may occur.
In the long term, smoking can lead to respiratory diseases, mental disorders and forgetfulness.
An overdose is not fatal under normal circumstances.
Alcohol consumption:
In the short term, motor functions and judgment may be impaired.
In the long term, liver damage, heart problems, neurological disorders and psychological problems can result.
An overdose can cause a life-threatening condition.
It should be noted that many of the negative effects of smoking cannabis can be mitigated. Buying a cheap vaporizer can be a possible solution to avoid inhaling most of the harmful substances when consuming cannabis.
Health consequences of long-term cannabis use
Quite a few consumers ask themselves: How dangerous is daily cannabis consumption? There are undoubtedly various physical health risks associated with long-term cannabis consumption. These include, in particular, respiratory diseases caused by inhaling smoke. However, this risk can at least be minimized with a vaporizer for herbs . The risk of cardiovascular disease is also increased, as both heart rate and blood pressure can increase with long-term cannabis consumption. Chronic bronchitis can also develop and the immune system can be weakened against respiratory infections. Nausea is also rarely reported.
The mental health risks associated with long-term cannabis use include cognitive impairments, such as attention problems, poorer memory and reduced learning ability. There is also an increased risk of anxiety and depression.
Cannabis legalization and its effects on consumption in Germany
Even though the Bundestag of the German Federal Government was still busy debating the matter, cannabis legalization took place on April 1st. It won't be long before you can buy the green herb for a small fee as a member of the Cannabis Social Club in Berlin or a club near you.
Nevertheless, the question "How dangerous is weed really?" does not seem to have been conclusively answered, at least for German society. It remains to be seen how consumption will develop in Germany. Supporters point out that the black market will be curbed and that people will not run the risk of consuming contaminated herbs. Negative voices repeatedly argue that legalization will only make teenagers and young adults more likely to become smokers.
Cannabis consumption among young people – a particular danger?
Even though the question "Is cannabis consumption unhealthy?" is still hotly debated, one thing is certain: adolescents and young adults should not consume cannabis, as it can impair the healthy development of the brain. This is exactly what a 2021 study involving 800 adolescents showed. Of course, not every adolescent who smokes a herbal cigarette on the weekend ends up in a psychiatric hospital or develops anxiety disorders, psychoses or the like. But it has been proven that tetrahydrocannabinol can lead to negative brain development in adolescents, and that alone is reason enough for adolescents to avoid the intoxicating effects of cannabis. Furthermore, reduced attention due to the influence of cannabis can lead to poorer school performance.
In order to ensure that young people stay away from this drug or practice abstinence in order to avoid developing a cannabis addiction, they should be given more information about the negative consequences of cannabis in parallel with legalization.
The Role of Active Ingredients in Cannabis – THC and CBD
THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (cannabidiol) are two of the more than 100 ingredients or cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant. Both active ingredients can trigger different physiological processes in the human body. Below we would like to show you the important functions of both substances:
THC (tetrahydrocannabinol):
THC is the psychoactive substance in cannabis and is responsible for the well-known "high" that a cannabis user normally experiences after taking the herb. Cannabis containing THC is usually what is meant when the question is asked: Is cannabis harmful?
The active ingredient binds to cannabinoid receptors in the brain and can thus influence various neurological functions.
In addition to its psychoactive effects, cannabis can also inhibit inflammation, relieve pain and stimulate the appetite.
Too high a dose can lead to anxiety, memory problems and, in rare cases, paranoia.
CBD (cannabidiol):
CBD is not psychoactive and therefore does not have the potential to cause a high.
CBD can help treat conditions such as epilepsy, but also anxiety, inflammation and sleep disorders.
CBD can weaken the effects of THC.
It should be noted that both THC and CBD can be consumed in a relatively health-friendly way using a vaporizer, which can be purchased online in a head shop , for example.
Conclusion: How dangerous is cannabis really?
Even though you can buy vaporizers and accessories such as grinders from us online, we do not want to portray cannabis as a "harmless" drug. The fact that cannabis is now legal does not change that. It is important to handle the situation responsibly so that legalization remains in place in the future. This is especially true given that a change of government may lead to a new assessment of cannabis consumption.