Cannabis and driving license: A comprehensive guide

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A hair sample, urine sample or a few drops of blood are enough to detect tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and thus the consumption of cannabis in the blood - and this applies even to occasional consumption. Once the detection has been made, the consequences can be diverse. Whether it is "just" an administrative offence or a criminal offence with cannabis driving licence withdrawal as a consequence depends primarily on the amount of THC detected in the blood.

Below we will take a closer look at the content that "driving license pope" Theo Pütz addresses in his 184-page book Cannabis and Driving License in an understandable and entertaining way, and draw a conclusion. At the end we will answer some frequently asked questions on this topic.

The effects of cannabis consumption

Cannabis is consumed worldwide and is one of the most common narcotics. It is also a valuable medicine for many cannabis patients. The increasing legalization of cannabis in Germany and other countries has led to increased discussions about the effects of the drug on road traffic and driving licenses. The days when you could simply take a few eye drops to avoid being noticed as a "pothead" are long gone. Today it is easy for the police to prove whether a road user has consumed a herbal cigarette before setting off on a journey.

In his informative paperback, published by Nachtschattenverlag, Theo Pütz offers a detailed insight into the complex connections between cannabis use and drug consumption while driving, as well as the applicable law regarding cannabis degradation products and driving licenses. You will find out when you can expect a fine or points in Flensburg and when you can expect more serious consequences from prosecution, such as having your driving license revoked because of cannabis. It should also be noted that the information in this book, relating to cannabis consumption and driving licenses, does not only apply to Germany, but also to Switzerland and Austria.

Revocation of driving license due to cannabis consumption: What cannabis users need to know

You can buy great vaporizers online from us and have a lot of fun with them. However, you should never drive while intoxicated, as in the worst case scenario you could lose your driver's license or face other negative consequences. In addition, consumption poses a danger not only to you but also and perhaps especially to other road users.

This softcover book explains in detail the circumstances that can lead to a driver's license being revoked because of drugs or cannabis in traffic. The author goes into detail about the current laws in Germany, Austria and Switzerland and shows how THC can be detected in the blood and in other ways. The possible consequences of this crime for the person affected are also discussed and how a lawyer can provide assistance.

Cannabis while driving and the legal situation

Theo P. explains the problem of driving under the influence of cannabis and the associated legal consequences in great detail. Various limits are listed which play a role in the decision to revoke a driver's license. The author also gives helpful tips on how to best behave in an "emergency". If someone is caught driving and has consumed cannabis, many wrong actions can make the situation worse.

The topic of cannabis patients and driving licenses is also covered in this book. After all, there are more and more people who use cannabis not for pleasure but as medicine.

Strategies to avoid driver’s license revocation

The book offers practical advice for consumers to avoid having their driving license revoked after consuming cannabis. Strategies are presented to help identify pitfalls in connection with German law on the subject of THC and driving bans. The tips presented here cannot guarantee that a driving ban will not be imposed after consuming cannabis, but they can help to reduce the risk posed by the criminal authorities. The information on driving license revocation and THC is particularly important for those who rely on their car and thus their driving license for professional or private reasons.

Blood tests and their significance in the context of cannabis

Theo Pütz also discusses the scientific basis of the tests used to detect THC in the blood. The author discusses their reliability and the legal aspects associated with them. He also shows how many nanograms of THC per milliliter must be present in the blood according to the driving license regulations for a driver's license to be revoked due to THC. And don't worry: you don't have to be a chemist to understand this carefully prepared information.

Who was Theo Pütz?

Unfortunately, the "driver's license pope" Theo Pütz, born in 1968, died on December 27, 2021. He was a drug policy activist and, among other things, worked as a spokesman for the Greens. From 2009, he chaired the Association for Drug Policy (VfD). His expertise mainly included the law regarding drugs in road traffic. He was undoubtedly one of the best advisors when it came to questions about the MPU. Many of those affected have him to thank for getting off relatively lightly. His book "Cannabis and Driving License" is considered the standard in German-language literature on the subject of cannabis consumption and driving licenses. Theo, we will remember you!

Conclusion: A must for every cannabis consumer with a driving license

This book is required reading for cannabis users who have a driving license. And that applies even if consumption is only occasional. It goes without saying that you should drive a motor vehicle sober, as the consequences of cannabis consumption do not guarantee that you are fit to drive and a lack of control can pose a danger to road traffic.

But does occasional cannabis consumption lead to a driver's license being revoked? How is it proven that you are unfit to drive after vaporizing herbs ? How many hours after consuming certain herbs can you determine that you are fit to drive? Theo Pütz answers these and other questions in a detailed and entertaining way. Anyone who is interested in this topic or has any questions about having their driver's license revoked due to cannabis consumption should definitely order this book!

More books are available here.

The book is only available in German.

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