The rediscovery of the crop hemp

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One of the oldest cultivated plants on earth could help to provide people with sufficient clothing, paper, oil, fuel, food, building materials and many medicines.

Within just a few years, the banned drug became a widely praised “renewable” organic raw material.
“There is only one plant that is capable of providing most of our paper, textiles, food and energy as a renewable resource, while also reducing pollution, improving soils and cleaning our air: it is an old companion that has always done this: cannabis, hemp, marijuana.” (Jack Herer)
As stirring as an exposé, as exciting as a crime novel, as rich in facts as an encyclopedia: Jack Herer's hemp book sparked a worldwide rediscovery of hemp as an organic raw material. Medicines, clothing, building materials, paints, varnishes, cooking oils, paper - in the long term, medicine, industry and politics will no longer be able to ignore hemp. Hardly any other material has such ecologically valuable potential.

Product details:

  • Release date: 2022
  • Author: Jack Herer, Mathias Bröckers, Institute of Catalysis
  • Publisher: Nachtschatten Verlag
  • ISBN: 978-3-03788-181-1
  • Language: German
  • Cover: Hardcover
  • Number of pages: 526
  • Size: 24cm x 17cm x 4.5cm
  • Weight: 1095 grams
  • Other: 45th edition 2022

Scope of delivery:

  • 1x Book: The rediscovery of the useful plant hemp

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The book is only available in German.

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